File Dump Samsung SM-A546E A54 5G U9 UFS Chip
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Download File Dump Samsung A546E A54 5G U9
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Pada kesempatan kali ini kami coba rangkum file dump UFS Samsung A54 SM-A546E binary U9 XXU9 , yang di bagikan oleh teman teknisi kita Budi Andi Rahmanto , Terimakasih berkah selalu untuk kita semua.
Untuk mengatasi masalah brick, deadboot , penggantian UFS dan masalah lainnya.
Untuk cara write file menggunakan Easy jtag plus UFS .
Chip Info:
Manufacturer: SAMSUNG
ProductName: KM8F9001JM-B813
SerialNumber: 0x733B8F305C137E8CC470CFA3EC8152544330353131374E32
Firmware Version: 0.04
UFS Reference Clock: 26MHz
UFS Version: 2.2
Maximum Number of LUs: 8
Number of LUs found: 5
LUN 0:
Block size: 0x1000
Size: 0x3B94400000 / 238,324,000,000B / 238GB
LUN 1 (Main Boot A):
Block size: 0x1000
Size: 0x400000 / 0,004,000,000B / 4MB
LUN 2 (Boot B):
Block size: 0x1000
Size: 0x400000 / 0,004,000,000B / 4MB
LUN 3:
Block size: 0x1000
Size: 0x800000 / 0,008,000,000B / 8MB
LUN 4:
Block size: 0x1000
Size: 0x1400000 / 0,020,000,000B / 20MB
Number of W-LUs found: 1
W-LUN 0xC4 (RPMB):
Block size: 0x100
Size: 0x1000000 / 0,016,000,000B / 16MB
Full size: 0x3B97800000 / 238,376,000,000B / 238GB
Unduhan File
Dump A546EXXU9CXH1 BudiAndiRahmanto.rarType: Dump Size: 1.8GB
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